Thursday, April 16, 2015


Talk about expressing myself thru silence these days. ah well~ done trying, im done fixing everything all by myself, im done trying to make him understand that this isnt easy for me too. but this must end... its the rite things to do. 
Gonna keep tellin myself this.... stop being hurt and stop hurting. and for that, THIS MUST END. 
 stop being a fool.... u deserve better.. u worth it. i think everyone needs to know their worth. im not judging nor complaining.. im just doing what i can to make things rite again. be me again.. i guess this is the end of KITA. if you done trying..then im done too. im gonna step away... so that u dont have to choose. ive once told u that.. maybe im the one who need to step away.. mengalah.. but u said NO.  despite everything u said.. u did the same mistakes again..ignoring me..for weeks. and that was the last straw.. no more.


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Monday post

its monday and most regular working ppl, gov servants, students got that thing called "monday blues" kemalasan melanda di hari isnin. why is that? weekends just not enough anymore..more day off plss. lets face it people..we need to get back to reality, which is no work no money for food, internet, clothes, travel and bejoli. and for students my advice is embrace your student life already.. work life can be hectic, boring and time consuming. believe me~ i miss student life. even if u have not enough money but that is the most enjoy phase/moment in your life. uve got friends.. creating that memory like kurik tabung gara2 mo main game d cyber.. hahahah. your responsibility is simply to study and get good grades. the working world is not all rainbow and joy.. most of the time it can be boring.. more additional responsibilities. paying the bills, foods, clothes.. ah well adulthood. here we go againn~~ your friends mostly far far away.. some get married and busy with children new life and all.. some got busy with work and work.. no more fun time.. and occasionally thrs time we call "reunion" whr u can judge your fellow friend life.. howd the end up. success or no success. suprise suprise.

anywayy..enjoy your monday thankful that youre still aliive and well. syukur alhamdulillah. so im going to share some of what monday is in islam.

lets read and muhasabh diri.

Kelebihan Hari Isnin.
Daripada Abu Qatadah al-Ansari berkata: Rasullulah s.a.w. ditanya sahabat tentang kelaziman baginda berpuasa pada setiap isnin. Maka Baginda bersabda: " Padanya Aku dilahirkan dan padanya Wahyu yang pertama diturunkan".

Hari Isnin adalah hari Pelayaran dan Perniagaan. Oleh yang demikian bagi sesiapa yang ingin berlayar atau yang ingin membuat perjalanan, maka seelok-eloknya lakukanlah pada hari Isnin.
Selain dari itu, umat Islam juga digalakkan untuk berpuasa sunat pada Isnin. Abu Hurairah meriwatkan bahawa Baginda Rasulullah bersabda: "Dibentangkan amalan-amalan di hadapan Allah s.w.t. pada hari Isnin dan hari Khamis. Maka aku menyukai dibentang amalan ku dihadapan Allah s.w.t pada ketika aku berpuasa".(Riwayat Imam Termidzi).

Peristiwa Yang Berlaku Pada hari Isnin.

1. Nabi Idris a.s. naik ke langit.
2. Nabi Musa a.s.  telah pergi ke bukit Thursina, untuk menerima wahyu.
3. Turunnya Dalil tentang ke-Esa-an Allah s.w.t.
4. Lahirnya Nabi Muhamad s.a.w.
5. Malaikat Jibrail turun buat pertama kaliya bertemu dengan Baginda Rasulullah. 
6. Wafatnya Baginda Rasullullah s.a.w.

Zikir Hari Isnin.
"La Haula Wala Quwwata Illa Billahi" maknanya - Tiada daya dan kekuatan( untuk menolak sesuatu kemudaratan dan mendatangkan suatu yang munafaat) selain Allah s.w.t.
Fadilat Zikir.
Rasullulah bersabda maksudnya, " Sesiapa yang mengucapkan La Haula Wala Quwwata Illa Billahi, maka ia akan menjadi ubat kepada 99 penyakit. Yang paling ringan adalah kebimbangan" (Hadis Riwayat Tabrani).