Wednesday, November 7, 2012

manners and kesabaran

salam thursday all.
today is like any other regular day for me, except the part where people around keep showing less and less and less manners among each other. it requires great patient (kesabaran) on handling this matters. as an example like what happen this morning when this white collar and respective man start shouting at you for the reason that you already gave to him. macam no use in explaining to him over and over again.."sir, we have no record of this." so crystal clear..but he keep insisting on "so, what can u do?". well guess what?? "NOTHING"!!. no record means no record. nothing i can do.. i can give you some suggestion. but in my work field theres nothing i can do ok! its like hes asking me bring that kfc chicken back alive. its out of my control man! but no..nda pandai faham.. and keep insisting to bring this things forward to my superior. what can he do???there NO RECORD. be creativelah. find other way. so what if youre dealing and need to explain it with tan sri or datuk. nyamuk yang di marah. kelambu yang di bakar! nonsense. u got a job worth almost 10k per month. if you cant use that big head of yours to find a solution u better quit and give your position to somebody who actually got more brain than you! and honestly..this is my honest opinion on people like you..well anyway like i said early..kesabaran sangat all i have to do is calm my self deal this things as best as you can. rememer nurul! "treat others the  way you want to be treated"!

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